3 mins read

Too Much Salt Tied to High Blood Pressure in Children

Are your kids getting too much salt in their diets? The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new research on sodium intake, in which they observed the sodium intake and blood pressure of 6,235 U.S. children and adolescents. According to the findings, boys consume more sodium than girls do and lowering this intake — while increasing exercise — can help to reduce elevated blood pressure in children and teens.

3 mins read

Side Effects of Starting Birth Control

Women have several options when choosing birth control, including hormonal birth control methods such as the pill, the patch, injections, vaginal ring, and an intrauterine device (IUD). Other popular types of birth control include barrier methods, such as a condom. Barrier methods may cause some women mild vaginal irritation, but there are usually cause few side effects. Women are much more likely to have side effects when starting hormonal birth control methods.

4 mins read

Why Low Fat Diets Don’t Work

Have you ever been around a pre-menopausal woman on a low fat diet? WATCH OUT! Not only will she be on edge from hunger, but her hormones will be totally out of whack! In addition she will most likely overeat carbs due to her hunger, which will in turn spike insulin production and lead to excessive weigh gain. Angry, overweight, and hormonal is no way to go through life! Seriously – woman need fat to be healthy.

3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Care

The days and weeks after giving birth can be one of the most challenging times for new mothers. Although you may want to focus every moment on your new infant, your own physical discomforts can get in the way. In addition to caring for your new baby, vaginal bleeding, uterine cramping, breast pain and postpartum depression can require your attention.