3 mins read

Natural Remedies for Ear Wax Removal in Children

In normal amounts, ear wax (cerumen) provides protection from bacteria and acts as a self-cleaning agent and lubricant, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology. However, once ear wax builds up, it can cause discomfort, partial hearing loss, tinnitus, odor, itchiness and dryness of the ears. If your child experiences one or more of these symptoms, it’s time to clean up his ears. Fortunately, you can perform natural remedies to remove ear wax.

4 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

When you have decided to get pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is that your man is having problems with his low sperm count. It will now take months longer than typical to get pregnant and the tensions in your relationship may begin to rise as the result of extra tensions. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available to increase sperm count, thus limiting your wait to get pregnant.

3 mins read

Natural Remedies for Increasing Sperm Count

When struggling with infertility, some couples discover that their problems, in part, are due to decreased sperm motility (the ability to move) or a low sperm count. Since many couples prefer to seek natural remedies before turning to more invasive medical procedures, it can be a relief to learn that sometimes the key to increasing sperm count can be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes.

3 mins read

Natural Morning Sickness Remedy

Many pregnant women do not want to take any medications while pregnant. Fortunately, in addition to pharmaceutical treatments for morning sickness, natural remedies can be used to treat morning sickness symptoms. Many of the most commonly used and effective treatments for morning sickness are natural ones. This is empowering news for women who prefer natural remedies over pharmaceutical treatments for addressing the symptoms of morning sickness.

3 mins read

How Do I Treat ADHD Naturally?

If your doctor diagnoses your child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, he’ll probably also prescribe some medication that can help treat the disease. This may not be the route you want to take. Some children with ADHD respond well to natural solutions to the problem. If you’re hesitant about giving your child medicine to treat his problem, you can try these methods first. If they work, you may never have to use that prescription. Always run your ideas by your pediatrician.