3 mins read

Is Relaxing Your Hair Bad?

In Chris Rock’s documentary, “Good Hair,” Sandra Denton, “Pepa” from the hip-hop duo, Salt-n-Pepa, explained how she ended up with a bald spot on the side of her head from using a relaxer. That may be how the asymmetrical look became popular, but losing your hair because of a bad reaction to a relaxer is not to be taken lightly; you can lose your hair permanently. Later in the film, viewers saw how the active ingredient in relaxers, sodium hydroxide, could eat through an aluminum can.

2 mins read

Tips on Relaxing Your Hair at Home

If you have always wished that your curly tresses were sleek and straight, relaxing your locks may give you the look you desire. While relaxing your hair doesn’t necessarily require a trip to the beauty parlor, you should exercise extreme caution when you try at-home relaxing, as the chemicals required can be incredibly damaging. Before you begin your relaxing attempt, educate yourself on safe techniques.

3 mins read

Relaxing Hair While Pregnant

Pregnancy can leave many women feeling less than glamorous, so it’s not uncommon for them to want to pay special attention to their overall beauty regime. Although some women might not otherwise think twice about visiting the salon for a new look, others might question the effects of chemical hair relaxers on their developing babies while pregnant. Although there is not a lot of research to indicate chemical hair relaxers are explicitly dangerous, most health-care providers exercise caution when advising pregnant patients as to whether the process is completely safe.