2 mins read

Hairstyle & Beauty Tips

Moms who want to maintain healthy hair and overall beauty should follow a few basics, according to the Mayo Clinic and “Marie Claire Magazine.” Numerous factors can detract from your overall health and beauty, ranging from the types of hairstyles you use to how hot you run that bathwater. By making a few changes, you can go a long way toward promoting glorious hair and overall beauty.

2 mins read

Beauty Tips on How to Make Hair Grow Longer & Faster

You might be able to make your hair grow longer faster by following a quality beauty regimen, eating right and avoiding unnecessary trauma to your locks, according to “Glamour Magazine” and “Marie Claire Magazine.” Hair growth speed is often genetic, but the Mayo Clinic notes you can boost your chances of lengthening your locks and increasing your mane’s body, especially through quality eating habits. Keep in mind that many over-the-counter (OTC) formulas claiming to cause hair to grow longer and faster offer inaccurate claims, according to the Mayo Clinic.

3 mins read

5 Ways to Keep a Job

The excitement of finally landing a job can quickly fade when you realize that job security doesn’t exist in a fluctuating economy. You can’t control cutbacks and mass layoffs and organizational restructuring. Fortunately, you can control other factors that affect whether or not you keep your job. Find out how to decrease your odds of losing the job you’ve worked so hard to land.