6 mins read

What Kind of Water Should be Used in Infant Formula?

How you prepare infant formula can affect your baby’s health. Powdered or liquid concentrate formulas cost less than ready-to-serve formulas, but they require that you add water when mixing. Formula in the powdered form is the least expensive, but you need to follow the instructions on the formula can to know much water to use. What the directions on the can do not tell you is what kind of water is safest for mixing your infant’s formula.

3 mins read

How Much Water Should Kids Drink?

Water makes up more than half of the human body. Since people constantly lose water from urination, sweat and other bodily functions, you need a constant supply to stay healthy. While the National Institute of Medicine have daily water recommendations for adult men and women, they do not offer any for children. Teach your child to drink whenever he feels thirsty and he should get plenty of water each day.

2 mins read

Ways to Recycle Water

Recycling usually brings to mind cans, bottles and paper products, but recycling water is another way to benefit the environment and lower your utility bills. The water you save through various recycling efforts works well for watering houseplants and irrigating the landscaping outside your home.

2 mins read

List of Water Games for Kids

Fun in the summertime gives children a chance to keep cool by playing water games outdoors with friends. Help their efforts by having supplies available for a variety of water games that will instantly take them from dry to wet. Water games are ideal for all ages, but modify each game according to the age, size and skill level of the children playing.