Fun in the summertime gives children a chance to keep cool by playing water games outdoors with friends. Help their efforts by having supplies available for a variety of water games that will instantly take them from dry to wet. Water games are ideal for all ages, but modify each game according to the age, size and skill level of the children playing.
Water Balloon Fight
A water balloon fight is a classic summer game children can enjoy on a hot day. Split children into two teams, fill water balloons and stand back. Let children try to hit as many members on the other team as they can with the water balloons. As a player gets hit, he’s out of the game. The team with the last person standing, wins.
Water Balloon Toss
Using a few items such as tape, ribbons, water balloons and gallon-size milk jugs, your children can enjoy a game of water balloon toss in the backyard. Use the milk jugs to create catchers’ mitts by using scissors to remove the bottom of the milk container. Place tape along the cut edges to prevent potential injury. Let your children select their favorite color of ribbons to decorate the handles of the milk containers. Fill water balloons, give each player a “catcher” and get ready to play catch by tossing the balloons back and forth. Children should only use their “catcher” for this game.
Sink or Float
If you’re entertaining a group of toddlers, try a water game they can learn from, such as “sink or float.” Find items in your house that are waterproof; from toys to empty containers. Inflate a small swimming pool and fill it with water. Have the toddlers sit around the pool as you hold up each item and ask them whether they think it will sink or swim when placed in the water.
Add water to a game of tag to help kids cool off this summer. Select a child to be “it” and give her a large, soft sponge and a bucket of water. When the game starts, the person who is “it” has to tag players with the big, wet sponge as he runs to get away. The bucket of water should be kept nearby in case the sponge needs to be soaked in water as the game is played. Once a person is tagged with the wet sponge, he’s “it.”
Photo Credit
- snorkeling kid image by Xavier MARCHANT from