5 mins read

Tough Conversations with Kids: Honesty is Key

This article was written by Kelly McNelis, founder of Women For One Be honest with your children instead of sugar coating or avoiding hard topics Our kids are watching us all the time. If they see us avoiding hard topics, or backing away from the things that make us uncomfortable, we teach them to play it safe…

2 mins read

Pole Dancing – The Toughest Workout You’ll Ever Do

Making healthy choices is the trend these days with people opting for blenders, juices, and fresh produce over fast foods, processed foods, and synthetic ingredients. With this shift in perspective over nutrition, people are also seeking alternative means for exercise, attending boot camps, doing home workouts, and even planning “hike” vacations to majestic sites. The…

3 mins read

Help Kids Handle Life’s Tough Situations With “Have A Plan” Books From Little BLUEPRINT

The following is a guest post from Katherine Eskovitz, founder of little BLUEPRINT.When my daughter was two, she went to pre-school for the first time, and I thought it was one of the biggest days ever. When she was three, we moved across the country, and I was worried it would rock her world. Shortly after we moved, her sister had to have her tonsils removed, and we braced ourselves for surgery.These were …