10 mins read

How Jasinda Wilder Saved Her Family’s Home Writing Steamy Romance Novels

Have you ever been in a situation when you felt the walls of your life closing in on you; pressing against your hope, your faith, your peace?I know what that feels like. My family suffered a series of back-to-back blows. My son was diagnosed with autism on a Thursday, and the next day, my husband lost his job. We were pawning, scraping and doing everything we could think of to keep our heads above …

4 mins read

Are Americans the World’s Worst Parents?

From reading American newspapers, listening to our media, and eavesdropping on mom bookclubs these days, the natural conclusion is that the institution of American parenting is in crisis, under siege, about to shatter into a million razor-sharp fragments.

3 mins read

How to Buy Eco-friendly Furniture

In all areas of our modern lives, we’re going green whenever we can—including our household and office furnishings. Furniture makers are now producing bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom furniture made of renewable or recycled materials with an eye to environmental friendliness. With eco-friendly furniture getting easier to find, more varied in style and more affordable, greater numbers of people are opting for the natural, the recycled, the organic and the sustainable.