3 mins read

Mother’s Day Without Mom? Some Tips…

Mother’s Day has become one of the most important days of the year: You take your mom to lunch, get handmade cards from your kids, breakfast in bed — the day is special and it brings with it memories of our moms and childhoods. Especially being moms ourselves now, we realize the deep importance of our mothers, and how much they mean to us. But what if your mom is no longer around? How can you take the day to heal, rather than grieve? Here are some tips…

3 mins read

How Not to Get Pregnant Without Using Birth Control

If you are in a relationship and do not want to become pregnant, you may be undecided about your birth control method. If you don’t want to rely on hormonal birth control or barrier methods, you can try fertility awareness. When you know the days you have a high chance of becoming pregnant, you can avoid intercourse on those days. In the fertility awareness method, both the man and woman are responsible for preventing pregnancy together.