4 mins read

Talking to Your Daughter About Periods and Puberty

If you ask a young woman whether her mother spoke with her about puberty and preparation for starting her period, she might say, No, I learned from my friends. More then likely, when you ask her mom if she had the talk with her daughter, she will say Yes. Often, the reason is that unless there was something momentous about the occasion; it may not have been memorable enough for the daughter to recall.

2 mins read

PB&W – The Perfect Sandwich

As kids, we were pretty picky eaters, but there was one thing you could always count on us eating –a peanut butter sandwich. In our house, it often had honey on it rather than jelly, as our mom always seemed to have her own way of serving something slightly different than the norm. But either way, we loved our PB &J, or our PB& H. And if your kids are like the way we were, or like Tammys twin daughters, peanut butter goes down without a fight and its a good vehicle for getting nutrition into your kids.