5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Checking Out To Check IN

Happy summer! For me summer is about checking out to reconnect and slowing life down just enough to enjoy the easy days of summer. My favorite part is giving up my morning duties and hanging up my carpool hat for 3 short months. Time seems to be moving faster as my kids grow up and…

7 mins read

Checking Up on Your Child’s IEP

Now that your child’s IEP is complete, what happens next? Your child now attends a public pre-school, kindergarten, or elementary school. The school knows you child has an IEP. Now, you need to be sure that your child is receiving his or her services since those services will no longer take place in your home (where you know they’re happening). You need to make sure the school is following ALL of the requirements of your child’s IEP. What can you do? How can you check up on your child’s services?

3 mins read

Checking in and Checking Out

Ive been on Twitter/Internet hiatus since the finale of DWTS. I seriously needed to check out of the world. Not just because of the intense season, life in general has been action packed lately. Since January I have been going non-stop. I am totally not complaining, its a great problem to have and I am beyond blessed! Im just fessing up that I need a serious check out so I can check in!!!

3 mins read

Checking In

 I'm in flight right now, glass of cab on the table, Mac open (he is actually a bit rusty since I have been neglecting him for so long).  There’s a stranger to my right that I have NO interest in speaking too.  More exciting is that my phone is off, my manager, agent, publicist, and…

4 mins read

How to Teach Kids About Checking Accounts

Money education is an important and sometimes overlooked lesson that parents forget to share with their kids. It is important for kids to learn how to budget the money they have available to them and how to balance a checkbook. When kids see mom and dad pull out credit or debit cards, they may not realize that there is more to managing money and a checking account than just swiping a card. Any money management lesson also gives you a chance to spend time with your kids, and to gauge their basic math skills.