4 mins read

The Importance of Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

In light of all the news stories surfacing about child sexual abuse, we feel that teachers ought be prepared. Unfortunately, teachers do not have the power to protect their students as well as we would like. It would be nice if teachers could be provided with more complete training in sexual abuse prevention so they would at least be armed with the knowledge to keep our children safe.

6 mins read

My Family’s Sleep Training Saga

Its 11:40 at night, David Letterman is on the tube and I am afraid to go to bed. I just finished a date night, got my fill of romance and I should be fast asleep, but instead I am awaiting the sound of footsteps to come stomping down the hallway. Im ashamed to admit that we are back in the full swing of trying to sleep train our children.

4 mins read

The Lighter Side of Potty Training

I heard a quote once that was a pediatricians response to a parents question about when they should start potty training their child and the doctors response was effectively if you start when they are two they will be potty trained when they are three, and if you start when they are three then they will be potty trained when they are three. Whoever this pediatrician is, youre speaking my language. I am all about

3 mins read

At What Age Should You Start Potty Training?

The average baby uses nearly 3,000 diapers in the first 2 years of life. That comes to quite a bit of money, effort and smell for parents, so it’s no wonder they want to get their children potty trained as soon as possible. However, the will to rid a household of diapers isn’t enough of a reason to start potty training. First you must understand what age you should start potty training.