1 min read

Did you do it? Did You Maintain Your Weight?

Well, did you do it? Are you up 2 lbs up, 5 lbs up, or did your weight stay the same between Thanksgiving and today? We all grant ourselves some license to indulge during the holidays- I certainly do for myself – then usually we try to get back on track sometime in the second week of January. Lets try getting back on track this week instead. Starting small with manageble changes is the most effective way to get back into any habit.

5 mins read

Health and Fitness Challenge – Part 1

Its a New Year and a great time to kick start some new ways. I thought about going green again, its a powerful way to cleanse your body and shed some extra pounds, QUICKLY. I did it last year and many people in the MM and Twitter community joined me. Its very simple. You can eat anything and everything that is green, with the exception of green M&Ms and green tortilla chips! LOL! Your shopping list would look something like this: