5 mins read

Back to School Safety Tips for Parents

Summer is drawing to a close, and we are getting our kids ready for back to school. So we asked our mom friends if they had any questions or concerns about their childrens safety. Here are a few of the top concerns: Question #1: Walking to School My child will be walking to school this year. He is in 5th grade and I want to give him safety skills without scaring him. What should I tell him?

5 mins read

What To Wear When Nursing

Everyone knows that pregnancy requires a huge style change to accommodate that ever-growing bump, but what about after pregnancy? It’s not so easy to slip back into your pre-motherhood wardrobe, especially if you are nursing. Constant boob access is key and you’ll be required to deal with a dynamic sized and sometimes leaking chest (not…

3 mins read

Makeup Tricks to Hide Stretch Marks

Covering up with clothing does not always work for stretch marks, especially when the occasion calls for a certain type of clothing. Wearing an off-the-shoulder dress exposes stretch marks around your arms while a swimwear exposes stretch marks around your belly, butt and legs. Fortunately, using makeup can help camouflage stretch marks. Use proper techniques so that you do not have to worry about those times you have to comply with the dress code.

3 mins read

How to Memorize Times Tables

Memorizing doesn’t come easy to everybody. For some people, faces and names don’t seem to stick in their minds. For others, numbers just don’t seem to stick. Here are some tips and tricks for memorizing times tables. Make your numbers come alive! This is a memory trick which can be used in your everyday life…