4 mins read

A Fresh Atmosphere for Balancing Both Mind and Body

The modern mom is ultimately a modern woman.  And while the modern woman has just about everything at her fingertips, the one thing she doesn’t have is a lot of is time.  The fact is we want to look good with the least amount of effort. And why not – why should we clock in grueling hours at the gym?  Many women I know, 1) don’t have that kind of time, and 2) find the process really stressful.
Scheduling gym time seems like some tactical strategy with maps laid out, sourcing the quickest enter/exit strategy and plotting all the targets you’re going to hit while there.  Feeling more like a battle than ‘me’ time, I always end up leaving even more stressed out than when I got there. 
In the interest of doing anything I can to avoid having to go to the gym, I’m always on the look out for new challenges that shave time and produce results. Having tried yoga once years ago to help heal a bad knee, I was interested in giving it another go.  I’d heard about something called “hot yoga”, and I was more curious about what this “hot” factor was.
I took advantage of the “two weeks for $29” deal and showed up for a class to find about a 900-1000 square foot room packed with both men and women and set to a scorching 105°F with 40% humidity.  Ninety minutes and 26 poses later, I pooled together what was left of me and stumbled out of the room.  It was total torture the first time around but it was fantastic.  Not only was it a great detox, but I felt leaner, taller, and stronger.  I got the kind of workout I was never able to get in a gym, and without having to put in all those hours.  My routine now is 3 ninety minute classes a week, which is much more feasible than daily gym trips.
The only downside to “hot yoga” is the ripe smell of sweat and the lack of ventilation in the facility.  To avoid the yoga studio smells and encourage yoga studio sanitation, studios really need to leave a gap between sessions and switch on a fan or air purifier between classes. Considering the level of extended deep breathing within moments of starting a class, it only makes sense to ensure filtered air through an air cleaner.
But going through the poses is a sort of relaxing meditation I couldn’t get in a gym.  It’s a much more personal experience putting you in touch with yourself as you recognize your own limits and work to push beyond them.  Void of meat-market attitudes, jarring music, and idle chatter usually found in large chain health clubs, hot yoga is without a doubt a complete meditation.  With sweat dripping from brow to ankle, it takes the will of a saint to remain in pose and to resist the urge to leave.  The ultimate result is a workout that targets both body and mind.
If you decide to check it out, just make sure you don’t eat three hours before class, drink at least a liter of water throughout the day, and wear fitting but breathable clothing.  You should also make sure to bring a large bottle of water with you – you’re going to need it.  And take advantage of the sauna like room, and take lots of deep breaths.  Breathing properly will make sure you last through the session and get the most out of each pose. 
Shireen Qudosi in an indoor air quality expert with Air Purifier Home. http://www.air-purifier-home.com Follow her on Twitter @AirPurifierHome

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