Your bathroom is a cluttered mess, and you’re getting exasperated trying to figure out how to organize it. Your bathroom counter doesn’t have to look like an explosion at a makeup factory; with a few storage items and a bit of creativity you can transform that room to look like a model home.
Add Storage
Survey your bathroom and take stock of available storage. If you don’t have a shelving unit over the toilet, either purchase a model that will match your vanity or install some open shelves.
Baskets on Display
Pick out some wicker or cloth-covered baskets that will fit the shelves. Baskets can be used for rolled-up washcloths and hand towels, sample-size lotions and shampoos and extra bars of soap for a useful display and focal point.
Sort the Clutter
Use matching short wide-mouth jars or mugs to hold your collection of makeup brushes, eyeliners, lip pencils and other tall, thin items as well as cotton balls and swabs. Grouped on the vanity, they’ll make an interesting display.
Straighten Drawers
Short baskets that will fit into a drawer are perfect for your everyday makeup items as well as toothpaste, floss and deodorant. You can pull the basket out in a second and drop it back in when you’re finished getting ready for the day.
Remember the Cupboard
Open-faced stacking bins work well in a vanity cupboard as you can utilize the open area. Sort cleaners, sponges, bath soaps, toilet paper and any other like items into their own little bins.