10 Morning Sickness Symptoms
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10 Morning Sickness Symptoms

While the name of the condition may lead you to believe that it only occurs in the early hours of the day, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness symptoms usually begin around week 6 of pregnancy, and by week 12, most morning sickness symptoms usually go away. Morning sickness affects more than half of all pregnant women.

10 Morning Sickness Symptoms

Nausea and Vomiting

The two most common symptoms of morning sickness are nausea and vomiting. The increase in hormone production is credited with causing nausea during pregnancy. Vomiting is a frequent symptom of morning sickness, but does not always accompany nausea. To help keep nausea at bay, eat small, frequent meals and avoid greasy foods. Sucking on a lemon can also help ward off nausea.

Aches and Pains

Swollen and tender breasts, back aches, headaches and constipation are common symptoms of morning sickness. Changes in hormones can result in changes in the breasts. Wearing a supportive bra can help ease the discomfort. Back aches are also common during pregnancy as the expanding uterus and weight gain add stress to the back muscles. Frequently changing positions can help ease back pain during bouts of morning sickness. Hormones and an increase in blood volume can cause headaches. Lying down and staying hydrated can help decrease pregnancy-related headaches. Constipation can be quite uncomfortable during pregnancy, and is a result of increased hormones. Eating a diet high in fiber and drinking plenty of water can help curb constipation.

Emotional and Physiological

Exhaustion, feeling sleepy, food cravings and increased sense of smell are other morning sickness symptoms. Exhaustion, or an overall sense of feeling worn out, is a result of all the additional work your body is doing to grow and nurture a baby. This exhaustion often results in an overall feeling of sleepiness. Resting throughout the day and getting a solid night’s sleep can help you stay energized. Food cravings are also common during early pregnancy, but you’ll need to make your food choices wisely to help keep your stomach calm. An increased sense of smell due to an increased level of estrogen can often trigger nausea and vomiting, so if a specific scent bothers you, avoid it as much as possible.

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