Why Do Women Bleed During Pregnancy?
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Why Do Women Bleed During Pregnancy?

Bleeding during pregnancy can be scary, especially if never experienced before. While bleeding during pregnancy can be an indication of a serious problem, it can also be related to very minor issues and pose no threat to the baby. It’s always important to let your doctor know if you have had any bleeding during pregnancy so he can evaluate whether you need to be seen in the office or visit the emergency room.

Heavy Activity

Heavy activity, especially during the first trimester as hormone levels are stabilizing, can cause bleeding in some women. The cervix is sensitive in early pregnancy and is easily irritated with heavy activity such as heavy exercise, lifting or heavy housework. If you experience bleeding after heavy activity, call your doctor to find out if he has any instructions for you and take it easy.


Because the cervix is so sensitive throughout pregnancy, especially during the first few months, many women experience light spotting after intercourse. If it happens frequently, your doctor may choose to put you on pelvic rest or refrain from any sexual activity for a while.

Hormone Changes

Hormone changes are a necessary part of pregnancy, but they can cause minor spotting in some cases. Low progesterone often causes bleeding in early pregnancy, and again at the end of the first trimester when the placenta takes over. Hormone changes during the first few weeks of pregnancy cause many women to spot, often before they even know they are pregnant.

Cervical Dilation

At the end of pregnancy, when a woman’s body begins to prepare for labor, many women experience bleeding as their cervix begins to dilate. This is normal for many women and is only an indication that your body is preparing for labor. Labor may begin right away or may still be several weeks away.

Things to Avoid with Pregnancy Bleeding

Never use a tampon if you experience bleeding during pregnancy. Many doctors like a woman to use a pad if she needs it because it doesn’t introduce anything into the vaginal area and it makes it easy to see how much blood has passed. Limit activity if you experience any bleeding or cramping during pregnancy. If you experience bleeding, most doctors will advice you to refrain from intercourse.


Contact your doctor if you experience bleeding just to be sure it’s not indicative of something more serious.

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