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Fetal Development 25th Week of Pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy is considered the sixth month and is part of the second trimester. By this week of pregnancy, the mother is well-adjusted to her new body and the baby continues to grow rapidly as it matures for delivery. If the baby was delivered this week, it would have a chance at survival; therefore, the 25th week is known as the viable week of life.


At the end of 25 weeks, the baby is about 10 inches long from crown to rump and weighs a little less than 2 lbs. The fundus, which is the top portion of the uterus, can be felt approximately 5 centimeters above the naval. Uterine size is considered normal when felt within 2 centimeters below or above the corresponding week.


At 25 weeks, the baby’s body is more proportioned and she looks like a real newborn. Her skin is less translucent and more opaque. Her skin is still very wrinkly due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat underneath, but it will fill in quickly as she develops. She can clearly hear high-frequency noises and will respond through movement. She has definite sleeping and waking patterns, and she’s able to remember and learn due to brain cell maturation.


Fetal movements are well-established now, and the mother can feel the baby squirming and kicking throughout the day. Some of the movements may even be uncomfortable. The baby may also have noticeable hiccups, which are felt as rhythmic movements in one particular spot. The mother may also notice that her ribs are becoming sore. This is common, due to the growth of the baby and the expansion of the ribs.


Sometime between the 25th and 27th week of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend a gestational diabetes test. Gestational diabetes is a condition that can develop in pregnancy that may lead to problems for both mother and baby if not treated with diet and exercise. The test requires that the mother drink a sugary drink and then have blood drawn an hour later to determine the blood glucose level. If the level is too high, she is scheduled for a three-hour test.


If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should contact your health care provider immediately: severe abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding, a gush or steady leaking of fluid from the vagina, or very sudden or severe swelling of the face and eyes accompanied by a headache or visual disturbances.

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