How to Convert Garages Into Family Rooms
2 mins read

How to Convert Garages Into Family Rooms

If you’re getting short on room and are eying the garage, wondering if it’s feasible to turn it in to a family room you’re on the right track. It’s not too difficult a project and can be accomplished with some basic household tools and materials that are available at you local home improvement store. Before you know it you’ll have the extra room you crave, and the best part is, you’ll be able to say, “We did it ourselves.”

Step 1

Frame in the area where the garage door is if you don’t plan on using it. This is accomplished by building a basic wall of 2-by-4s around the opening and adding studs every 16 inches in between. If you plan to keep the door, a drapery rod and drapes will cover it nicely.

Step 2

Insulate the walls if you live in a hot or cold climate and plan to use the room year round. Insulation is purchased in rolls, cut to length and stapled between the studs of the walls and ceiling. Check with your home improvement center for the recommended insulation for your area.

Step 3

Cover the walls with paneling. Starting in the corner of the room, nail each panel to the studs, making sure each panel ends in the middle of a stud. Work your way around the room until you meet the first panel edge. Paneling wall sheets either overlap each other or fit into a two slotted finish piece, depending on the style you choose.

Step 4

Install Berber carpet on the floor for the optimum comfort and durability. Carpet on cement is installed by a easy glue down process. Butt one end of the carpet in a corner and then lay it halfway back on itself. Apply glue to the floor according to the manufacturer’s directions and lay the carpet onto the glued surface. Repeat with the other side of the carpet. The glue acts as a vapor barrier on the concrete; you can loose-lay the carpet but it won’t last as long and will tend to fray.

Step 5

Decorate your new family room with kid friendly furniture such as a futon and papasan chairs. Finish your project by adding personal decorations such as pictures, posters and plants.

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