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Side Effects of Overexertion in the First Trimester

Pregnancy brings many changes to a your body. Changes during early pregnancy often take some getting used to, especially for first-time moms. Overexertion during the first trimester can magnify the normal symptoms of early pregnancy and has the potential to lead to more serious complications. As a newly pregnant woman, you need to listen to your body when it tells you to slow down during early pregnancy. Take time to adapt to your new physical condition.

Exaggerated Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a normal and healthy part of early pregnancy, but it can be difficult to deal with. Overexertion can exaggerate morning sickness symptoms, so it is important that you rest when you feel you need to rest, limit heavy physical activity and get enough sleep. Normal activity can be continued during the first trimester, but you should not start a new exercise routine, if you did not exercise routinely before pregnancy, without the permission of your doctor. Work routines can be continued safely, provided you do not come into contact with any toxic materials. During the first trimester, however, you may find you need extra sleep at night or more frequent breaks during the day than you did before your pregnancy.

Low Energy Levels

Early pregnancy often makes you feel more tired, especially if you are dealing with any symptoms of morning sickness. Low energy levels during the first trimester can be exaggerated if you overexert yourself. You may find that you become tired more quickly during the first trimester and may need to change your daily routine to fit your new energy level. Energy often increases as you enter the second trimester but over exertion at any point during pregnancy will likely cause you to become more tired than you were before pregnancy. Short breaks throughout the day and a little extra sleep at night can help you feel more energized during the first trimester. If you feel exhausted after exercising, you should switch to a lower impact exercise routine.

Vaginal Bleeding and Uterine Cramping

Many woman experience some cramping in early pregnancy as the body begins to change and adjust to pregnancy. While cramping and some bleeding is fairly common during pregnancy, overexertion during the first trimester can aggravate the issue, especially if there is an underlying cause for the bleeding. Any bleeding in early pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor. Heavy physical activity should be limited until the bleeding stops.

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