Weight Loss Food for Older Women
As you age, your metabolism slows down, your vitamin needs change and you find that losing weight is not as easy as it once was. This often translates to you being able to eat significantly less than you did in your youth, which makes it important to make sure that every bite you take holds some nutritional value for you.
Iron-Rich Foods
As you age, your body loses its ability to absorb iron from foods as well as it used to. You want to be sure to include plenty of iron-rich foods, such as lean red meats and leafy green spinach. Each food will provide you with the nutrients you need, while at the same time, allowing you to lose excess weight by not contributing empty calories to your daily regime.
Olive Oil
Substituting olive oil for all your cooking needs will help you lose weight while at the same time providing you with valuable nutrients. Olive oil has been touted by proponents of just about every popular diet in the world as an oil that is allowable and healthy for you.
Whole Grain Bread and Pasta
As you age and your metabolism slows, you start processing sugar less efficiently. This means that eating high glycemic carbohydrates can impede your weight loss attempts. Instead of eating mashed potatoes, french fries and white pasta, a simple switch to whole grain substitutions will help you achieve your desired weight. Brown rice and whole wheat spaghetti provides needed fiber while tasting good.
Low-Fat Dairy
Older women need calcium to prevent bones from weakening, but you can choose low-fat dairy products to get it from. Instead of eating a piece of white bread slathered in butter, substitute low-fat vanilla yogurt with berries sliced into it. Top it off with 1 tsp. granola. Low-fat cheeses can take the place of regular cheese to save you calories, while giving you the same amount of calcium.
Nuts and Legumes
Though nuts are relatively high in fat, the nutrition they provide outweighs the fat. Stick to cashews and other similar choices as they have less fat than peanuts do. A small handful, about 15 cashews, can give you an energy boost when the afternoon slump hits. Legumes, including lentils, give you lots of protein for few calories and are a healthy addition to an older woman’s diet.