Pregnancy Safety Tips for Summer Travel
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Pregnancy Safety Tips for Summer Travel

As summer sets in, you may likely find yourself eager to escape to confines of your daily life and hit the road on a vacation. You do not have to put your summer time travel plans on hold just because you are pregnant. Pregnant women can and do safely travel, but they must engage in more pre-planning to accommodate for their precarious condition. Before you hit the road, sea or even air this summer, consider your special needs as a mommy-to-be.

Follow Doctor’s Orders

Nobody knows your pregnancy better than your doctor. Do not keep your travel plans secret. Tell your doctor exactly what you plan to do and when you plan to do it. Ask him for some advice tailored to your particular pregnancy. He will review your records with you and let you know what you need to keep in mind while you prepare to make your escape.

Limit Time on your Tush

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially deadly condition that is often brought on by sitting for extended periods of time. While anyone can suffer from this blood clot complication, pregnant women are at higher risk than standard travelers, reports the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). To reduce your risk of DVT, do not sit for more than four hours while traveling. This means that you must resist the urge to plop into your plane seat and relax until arrival. Instead, move about the cabin at least a bit during your trip.

Note Nearby Hospitals

While you likely plan on your little guy staying safely in the oven throughout the duration of your trip, he might have different ideas. When you plan your trip, gather information about nearby hospitals. While you likely won’t end up needing to visit these medical facilities during your trip, if your baby does decide to make an early arrival, you will be glad you spent the time gathering the information.

Eat with Care

If your summer travels take you to an exotic land, you will likely be eager to sample the local cuisine. While the food may seem tempting, doing so can lead to diarrhea and illness. If you get sick, the baby feels the effects. To reduce your risk of contracting a food borne illness or having a negative reaction to an ingredient with which your tummy is not familiar, you should avoid exotic foods during pregnancy. If your summer travel plans include venturing over the border, pack some peanut butter and jelly or canned food to snack on during your excursion.

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