What Causes Nausea During Pregnancy?
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, doctors have not yet nailed down the cause of morning sickness. However, a variety of theories and connections seem to exist. Once you can determine what sets off the nausea, at least for you, you can get control of the situation.
With mood swings and instant tears, you may be very aware of the hormone increase. The influx of additional human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may also be the cause of your morning sickness. As much as three quarters of pregnant women experience morning sickness, but many of these stop feeling this nausea after the first trimester. During the first trimester, your body is growing accustomed to all the changes. As your body gets comfortable and adjusted to the hormones, the morning sickness may mellow out. Brace yourself though. Just as the hormones will always be with you, the nausea may linger as well.
Your new super-heightened power to sniff out a smell may have been one of your first signs of pregnancy. Many pregnant women experience intense abilities to smell. You may be picking up scents from yards away or be overwhelmed by smells right in front of you. Bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms and other areas sometimes harbor intense aromas, which can cause your stomach to turn and exacerbate your morning sickness. Avoid what activates your morning sickness.
The hormones, the physical changes in your body and the emotional stress of pregnancy lead to extreme fatigue throughout the nine months, especially in the beginning and end. The University of Cincinnati NetWellness website explains that this fatigue might contribute to morning sickness. The best way to alleviate nausea associated with fatigue is to rest. Listen to your body and respond as necessary. It’s not laziness when you are growing a human inside of you.
Organ Movement
That flip-flop feeling you have in your stomach might be more than your imagination. As your uterus grows to make room for your baby, your abdominal organs have to shift around and might start feeling constricted. You stomach might be pushed up into the rib cage, causing reflux or heartburn, which can contribute to the nausea. That bitter taste in your mouth may make your queasy. Consult with your doctor about antacids and reflux-relieving medication. Avoid acidic and fatty foods while reflux is a problem for you.
Photo Credit
- pregnant woman image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from Fotolia.com