What are the Signs of Toxemia During Pregnancy?
Millions of women become pregnant and carry babies to term each year, but when it happens to you, it is natural to have concerns and questions about what to expect. Toxemia, also called preeclamsia, is a pregnancy condition that can occur at any time but typically shows up after your 20th week. Toxemia can be severe and at times life threatening.
High Blood Pressure
Slightly elevated blood pressure during pregnancy is not unusual, but according to the Mayo Clinic, a significant increase in your blood pressure during pregnancy may be a symptom of toxemia. To qualify as a toxemia symptom, the Mayo Clinic requires a reading of 140/90 or higher twice in a week.
Severe Headaches
If you begin to experience severe headaches that come on very suddenly, your body could be suffering from toxemia. The severe headache may be accompanied by blurred vision, nausea and excessive protein in your urine. If you have any combination of these symptoms, you should contact your OB/GYN, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Water Retention
Toxemia is classified as mild or severe. In mild toxemia, your body may retain water, which will cause your hands, legs and ankles to become swollen. While some swelling of extremities is normal and expected during your pregnancy, if it becomes severe or uncomfortable, or suddenly increases, toxemia may be the cause.
Urination Issues
Infrequent urination and difficulty urinating during your pregnancy are symptoms toxemia, according to the American Pregnancy Association. If you suddenly have difficulty when you try to urinate, or the amount that you urinate decreases significantly, you could be developing toxemia.
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- pregnancy image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.com