Low Sex Drive Causes
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Low Sex Drive Causes

Sometimes, the sexual sizzle fades away. A variety of situations and conditions can cause a decrease in your appetite for sex. A decrease in your sex drive, also known as a low libido, can affect your relationship and may signal the presence of underlying conditions. Your sexual desires may fluctuate over the years, with highs and lows coinciding with life changes and experiences. Normal periods of low libido may pass by themselves, while other causes may require treatment.

Alcohol and Drugs

That extra glass of wine with dinner may cause you to lose interest in romance temporarily. While a little alcohol can increase your desire for a romp in the hay, too much can spoil your mood for sex. Illegal drugs may have the same effect on your libido.


There may be something to the old headache excuse for avoiding sex. The Mayo Clinic advises that physical illnesses and disorders can reduce your sex drive. Diseases, such as arthritis, cancer, neurological disorders and high blood pressure, can make you feel less than amorous.

Sexual Problems

Problems during sex can limit your desire. According to the Mayo Clinic, pain during intercourse, known as dyspareunia, can make you want to avoid sex. Lack of enjoyment and orgasms may also decrease your interest in sexual activities.


Exhaustion can contribute to your low sex drive, reports the Mayo Clinic. You may find you have little energy after completing your work and parenting responsibilities, especially if sex is the last thing on your list of daily activities.


Many types of prescription medications carry the risk of side effects, including a decrease in libido. Medications that may lower your sex drive include antihistamines, chemotherapy treatments, high blood pressure medications and antidepressants. If you take prescription medications and notice a decrease in your sex drive, ask your doctor if your medicine may cause this side effect.

Body Image

Changes to your physical appearance, such as a disfiguring accident or surgery to your breasts and genital tract, can negatively impact the way you feel about your body. Other physical changes, such as weight gain and pregnancy, may decrease your level of self-esteem, causing you to avoid sexual activity.

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