How to Know If You Are Ready to Date After Divorce
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How to Know If You Are Ready to Date After Divorce

Divorce can be emotionally devastating. You may initially feel as though you never want to get into another relationship again. Eventually, though, you’ll start to feel the twinges of desire for another relationship, but wonder whether the time is really right. If you start dating before you’re ready, you’re likely to find your heart broken again. Look for the signs that you’re really ready to enter another romantic relationship before you go on that first date as a divorced woman.

Step 1

Count the number of days from your divorce. You need to give yourself time to heal emotionally before you get serious about getting back into the game. Though there is no exact time frame to determine how long you should wait, the longer it’s been since your divorce, the more likely you are to be ready.

Step 2

Assess your self-worth. If you are feeling down about yourself and think that getting involved in a relationship will make you feel better, you’re not ready to date again. It’s important to have a good sense of self-worth before you start dating.

Step 3

Imagine yourself dating someone else. Take note of your feelings. If you feel excited about your prospects, then it may be time to date. On the other hand, if you feel dread about going through the motions, you may need to wait a bit longer.

Step 4

Look around to see who’s out there. Check out potential single men in the groups that you belong to. Browse online personal ads to see the available men who meet your criteria. If you see several people–or one in particular–who peak your interest, you may be ready to date.

Step 5

Factor in your kids’ feelings. Your kids are the most important people in your life. It’s natural for them to feel wary when you want to start dating because this kills the fantasy that their parents might still get back together. However, you should still think about how they might feel if you start dating again. It may really upset some children, but others will be supportive. You may also want to hide the fact that you’re dating until you’re serious about the new person.

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