How to Make a Green Home
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How to Make a Green Home

The planet is in peril unless responsible citizens take steps to reduce the damage that the human race is causing. One way to play a part in helping maintain the health of the planet is to green your home. By making your home more green, you can ensure that your family’s carbon footprint is as small as possible and help provide a healthy planet for your familial generations to come.

Step 1

Adjust your thermostat. The Green Building Council recommends that eco-conscious families set their thermostat with the planet in mind. In the summer, keep your house 78 degrees Fahrenheit or higher to save on air-conditioning costs. Reduce the heat in the winter to maintain a temperature of 62 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Step 2

Recycle everything you can. Recycling is the easiest thing to do to make an ecological difference. Instead of tossing all of your refuse into one trash can, divide your trash into paper, plastic and metal. Give these materials a new lease on life by recycling them.

Step 3

Watch your water usage. Install low-flow shower heads in your bathrooms to reduce water waste. Train your kiddos to shut of the water when they brush their teeth or turn off the flow of water while they suds their hands. While these steps may only save small amounts of water, the water savings ultimately add up and make a big difference.

Step 4

Use energy-efficient lights. Trade your standard bulbs for energy efficient options, available at many hardware stores. Depending on the type of light you select, your energy savings can be substantial. Not only does this saved energy help the planet, it also saves your family some cash.

Step 5

Replace old windows. Old windows often leak temperature controlled air. Trade your old panes for newer models that are better insulated and keep your hot–and cold–air in.

Step 6

Switch to Earth-friendly appliances. Replace appliances that are more than 10 years old with new, Energy Star models, recommends MSN. Although this appliance replacement will clearly cost you some funds, many environmentalists argue that this money will ultimately be recouped as you save cash on energy because of the lighter energy drain of these appliances.

Step 7

Plant a garden. Finish out your green house with something that is for the health of the planet and your family. Fill a backyard plot with fresh produce. Make tending to the garden a family affair. As your kids help you fix dinner with ingredients they grew themselves, they will become more excited about eating the green stuff that they once pushed to the side of their plate with disdain.

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