Sometimes, romance takes a back seat to everything else. Sexual interest, also known as libido, tends to wax and wane throughout life. Certain situations and conditions, including relationship issues, fatigue, medications and medical diseases, can contribute to fluctuating sex drives in both men and women. Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or menopause may also alter your sexual appetite. If low libido causes distress for you or your romantic partner, natural remedies may increase your sexual interest and help put you back in the mood for sex.
Focus on Fitness
Exercise can help boost your overall health, as well as increase your sex drive. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve your stamina and boost your body image. Make exercise a part of your life to help enhance your libido and elevate your mood. Start at an easy pace and increase your activities. Consult your doctor prior to beginning an exercise program if you suffer from a medical condition or illness.
Proper Nutrition
Good nutrition may increase your libido. Caring Medical, a medical and rehabilitation clinic in Illinois, advises that certain nutrients may help the function of your endocrine glands, glands that control sexual function. This natural remedy involves eating foods that contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E, in addition to niacin, zinc and selenium. Consume whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans to increase your intake of these helpful nutrients. Vitamin supplements may help you get adequate amounts of these vitamins. Limit your intake of substances that may lower your libido, such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
Kegel Exercises
The Mayo Clinic suggests that Kegel exercises may increase your libido. These exercises focus on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Practice locating these muscles by tightening the muscles that stop the flow of urine. After locating these muscles, you can discreetly perform this exercise just about anywhere. Tighten the muscles and hold for a count of 5, relaxing and repeating several times each day.
Resolve Relationship Issues
This natural remedy may help both inside and outside the bedroom. Resolve any issues that may hinder your sexual and emotional relationship with your mate. Set aside time for communicating and enjoying sexual activities. Communicate openly and honestly with your mate. Seek counseling for issues that you have difficulty discussing and resolving.
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