Love Questions for Teens
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Love Questions for Teens

As teens get older, their relationships become more adult-like. It’s your job as a parent to help your child get through this tough time with his head on straight. Teens get information about love and sex from a variety of sources–friends, TV and magazines, for instance–but it’s important to develop an open relationship with him so that you can guide the discussions about these issues.

As teens get older, their relationships become more adult-like. It’s your job as a parent to help your child get through this tough time with his head on straight. Teens get information about love and sex from a variety of sources–friends, TV and magazines, for instance–but it’s important to develop an open relationship with him so that you can guide the discussions about these issues.

How Do I Know I’m in Love?

This is a common questions, but it can be difficult to answer. Stress to your child that true love involves respect for each other, trust, honesty and support. Teach her the difference between love and lust or infatuation.

What is a Healthy Relationship?

Healthy relationships are important for both teens and adults. Teens should understand that for a relationship to be healthy, both people in the couple should feel comfortable. If someone tries to make you feel bad to get what she wants, it’s not healthy.

Am I Ready for Sex?

As a parent, your answer to this question is undoubtedly going to be, "No." You have to face the fact, however, that it’s something your teen is going to consider. Tell him that the desire should come from within and not from peer pressure. He should also be willing to use a condom to protect himself from STDs and an unwanted pregnancy.

How Can I Get a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Teens often feel like they are the only ones who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Tell your teen that she should always be herself because she doesn’t want someone to like her for the wrong reasons. Part of getting a boyfriend also involves taking risks–by telling the person she likes that she likes him.

How Do I Break Up With Someone?

Breaking up is difficult to do at any age. The most important lesson for your teen to learn is that he must be honest and upfront. It’s better to tell someone that he wants to break up than string her along for months or treat her badly, hoping that she breaks up with him instead.

How Do I Say "No" to Sex?

Saying "no" to sex when there’s a great deal of pressure is difficult. Remind your child that it’s OK to say "no" at any stage, but that it’s a great deal easier to do so when events haven’t gotten to the point where it’s really an issue. If she’s not ready to have sex, she should tell this to her boyfriend, including how far she is willing to go. When they are making out, she should only go as far as she is comfortable.

How Do I Protect Myself During Sex?

Stress the importance of using condoms at all times because they prevent both pregnancy and STDs. Though you may be embarrassed, teach your teen how to put on a condom using a banana. Both boys and girls should know how to use condoms. If your daughter is sexually active, you may want to discuss using birth control pills. You should be sure, however, to remind her that she should use them in conjunction with condoms.

Photo Credit

  • teen with condom image by Alexey Klementiev from
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