Exercises for Enlarging Breasts
2 mins read

Exercises for Enlarging Breasts

If you have smaller breasts, you may want to try just about anything to make them bigger. Breasts are made from fatty tissue, so there’s not much that you can do to increase your breast size significantly, short of gaining weight or getting pregnant. However, through working your chest muscles, you can make your breasts appear perkier and bigger.


Push-ups are a classic chest exercise. If you don’t have a lot of upper body strength, do a modified push-up with your knees on the floor. Keep most of your body weight on your hands and lower your body down. To master the traditional push-up, start in a plank position and slowly lower yourself down. If you can’t push yourself up, collapse to the floor and start again. Eventually, you’ll get strong enough.

Chest Flyes

Lie on the floor or on a weight bench with small weights in each of your hands. Stretch your arms out so that you form a “T” shape, then–keeping your arms straight–bring them to meet in front of you.

Chest Presses

Lie on the floor or a weight bench with small weights in your hands, bent so that the weights are at your shoulders. Press these straight up. You can also use a weight bar for this exercise, but it may be too heavy if you are just starting out. Additionally, there are weight machines that allow you to do this move sitting up.

Bent-Arm Flye

This is the classic “I must, I must, I must increase my bust” exercise. While sitting or standing, hold your arms out to the sides and bend the elbows so that your hands are in the air. Bring your arms in front of you, keeping the elbows bent.

Prayer Press

The prayer press is an isometric exercise that works your chest muscles. While sitting down, bring your hands together in front of you as though you were going to pray. Press your hands together as hard as you can; hold this position for 30 seconds.

Photo Credit

  • diamond and pink breasts image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
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