How to Deal With Bullying Behavior in a Child
If only they could stay little forever. You could watch over them and protect them from pending dangers, even bullies. You can wrap him in a momma bear hug and keep him from any hurts or scrapes he may encounter. Even more so, you can stop her from bullying anyone else, by keeping her sweet and close to your heart. Unfortunately, they do grow and leave, and, out of your hands, they may find themselves dealing with life in inappropriate and unhealthy ways. If your child begins to act like a bully, intervene immediately.
If only they could stay little forever. You could watch over them and protect them from pending dangers, even bullies. You can wrap him in a momma bear hug and keep him from any hurts or scrapes he may encounter. Even more so, you can stop her from bullying anyone else, by keeping her sweet and close to your heart. Unfortunately, they do grow and leave, and, out of your hands, they may find themselves dealing with life in inappropriate and unhealthy ways. If your child begins to act like a bully, intervene immediately.
Watch Out for it
Watch carefully for bullying behavior. Don’t let your child play with children alone. Keep an eye on him at all times, if possible. Write down as many specifics that you can remember about each incident.
Meet with a children and family counselor to discuss these specific events. Find out from the counselor whether any changes need to be made at home or school to dissuade this behavior.
Team Effort
Sign up your child for a sports team or club that lets him interact with children older than himself. Interacting with older children will help the child understand what it’s like to be surrounded by stronger, more intimidating kids. However, don’t allow him to be bullied as this may further encourage this behavior.
Responsibility and Care
Give him opportunities to care for his younger siblings or pets. Watch him as he cares for them, and encourage his positive behavior. If he only gets attention when he bullies, he may continue the behavior. Praise him for behaviors you want to see him continue.