Vitamin F Skin Care
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Vitamin F Skin Care

If you need a little positive spin on your diet, you can start referring to fatty acids as Vitamin F. Fatty acids are as essential to your health as nearly any other vitamin or mineral and can be vital to vibrant healthy skin. Instead of worrying about the fatty acids in your diet, start to call them Vitamin F, the skin-care advocate.

What They Are

A discussion of fatty acids, or vitamin F, is most often about omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fats from animal, plant, fruit and vegetable sources. These fatty acids come in the form of docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, linoleic acid, gamma linoleic acid or alpha linolenic acid. You may find these names on the packaging of foods, but you are more likely to find their more general categories–omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

What They Do

These acids are important for cell building and brain function, but vitamin F is good for your skin, too. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, these acids help build skin cells and encourage skin cell growth. This is good for blemishes, scars or other superficial concerns when you want new, fresh skin to hurry up. This stimulation will also help your skin have a healthy glow as old skin is more quickly sloughed off and replaced with fresh skin. One of the first signs of a lack of vitamin F in your diet is dull, dry skin. Fatty acids play a critical role in keeping your skin moist and elastic.

What It Might Do

Those who believe in the power of the vitamin F tend to see other skin benefits as well. A University of Maryland Medical Center website explains that fatty acids may help with sun sensitivity and other skin problems. Although the studies implying this are new and small, you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibilities if you have skin issues.


You can find vitamin F in fish oil and other oral supplements. To introduce it to your diet naturally, look to olive oil, fishes, whole grains and avocado. You may also find some topical ointments containing vitamin F, but for an inward approach, look to nutrients you eat.

The Whole Family

Keep the skin of your whole family healthy by serving plenty of items full of vitamin F at each meal. Replace normal grains with whole grains and use olive and polyunsaturated oils instead of saturated ones. An article on the International Omega-3 Learning and Educational Consortium website claims that even pets’ skin is made healthy with more vitamin F in their diet.

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