Facts About Natural Male Enhancements
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Facts About Natural Male Enhancements

If your man is concerned about the size of his penis and wants to try some of the so-called natural male enhancement products on the market, stop him before he wastes his time and his money. According to MayoClinic.com, natural male enhancements do not work. Not only that, some products can actually damage the penis, cause erectile dysfunction or pose other health problems.

Measuring Up

Most men who think their penis is too small really have a normal-sized penis, according to MayoClinic.com. And, even if your man’s penis is on the small side, you can still have a satisfying sex life and a family. A normal size for a penis is between 5 and 7 inches when erect.

Before-and-After Fakes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never approved any natural male enhancement products. None of these products is safe or effective. Most of the ads for male enhancement products rely on before-and-after photos that MayoClinic.com says are often not authentic.

Ingredient Cocktail

Natural male enhancements in pill or lotion form generally contain some types of vitamins, herbs, hormones or minerals, according to MayoClinic.com. Some of these products may be harmful, and there is no proof that they work.


Some sexual enhancement products contain sulfoaildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, an FDA-approved drug. However, sulfoaildenafil can interact with certain prescription drugs, such as nitrates, which can cause dangerously low blood pressure, according to the FDA. Products that say they are an all-natural dietary supplement may lead consumers to believe they are harmless, which is often not the case. The FDA advises anyone who has been taking sexual enhancement products to consult with a health care professional.


The market for male enhancement products thrives on wishful thinking, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Some men try male enhancement treatment for impotence. If the product does not call for a prescription, it won’t work for impotence. No herbal or all natural treatments are effective for impotence.

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