Winter Party Games for Kids
3 mins read

Winter Party Games for Kids

With winter comes the winter holidays, and parties are a big part of many of those holidays. Since the weather outside often gets frightful, in the winter, these parties are most often held indoors. Still, this does not mean you have to limit your fun to quiet indoor games. Children, in particular, love to play games in the snow. Or, if you stick to the indoors, there are plenty of games you can play that are fun.


Icy rain, sleet or hail are not conducive to outdoor games. Check the weather before planning your winter party games. While some children seem impervious to such weather, the parents will not be happy if you send their children home from the party sopping wet and sick. On the other hand, snow can make for some great winter party games. Just make sure all your young guests are dressed appropriately for snow play before venturing outside, warns Family Fun. Teens, in particular, might appreciate having the entire party outdoors, such as at a skating rink.

Time Frame

Winter is a busy time for most families, and many holidays have a built-in fun factor already in place. Thanksgiving, for example, usually features a large, time-consuming family feast that may leave little time for game play. Consider the time frame for your party before you plan the games. In addition, it gets dark early in many parts of the country during the winter, so your time might be even more limited if you are going to play outdoors.


Find out the size of the group before you plan any games. Children in large groups will not be able to wait patiently for a turn. If you are sledding, for example, and you only have one sled for 15 children, it is probably not going to turn out to be a fun game. On the other hand, decorating Christmas cookies can be a great group game if you set out plenty of supplies, and you can hold contests to see who can decorate the most creative or beautiful cookie.

Ages and Stages

Consider the ages and stages of the kids as well. Young children will not be able to handle games with elaborate rules or long, involved steps. Teens, on the other hand, might get quickly bored with simple games. Plan games for all your guests that will be perfect for their ages and ability levels.


Other things to think about when planning winter games are your neighbors. It might be necessary for you to play indoors, and if you have shared walls, this might mean that your game-playing may disturb your neighbor. While a Christmas carol karaoke contest may be fun, it might not be so appealing to the person next door who is trying to get some sleep.

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