Chances of Conceiving a Baby Girl
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Chances of Conceiving a Baby Girl

If you have a house full of testosterone–flowing through your partner and a truckload of sons–you are probably ready for a little more estrogen around the home. If a baby girl is in your dreams, you may be wondering how you can increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl. Whether you want a princess or a tomboy, your chances of conceiving a girl are the same.

Chances of Conceiving a Baby Girl

Statistical Conception

The exact number of babies conceived that are either male or female is a little difficult to pin down, for some reasons. Some people opt out of learning the sex of their baby until they give birth. However, according to “Ask the Geneticist” on the Emory University website, more males are conceived than females, generally lowering your chances of having a girl.

Taking It All The Way

However, this Emory University website also discusses the relative fragility of male fetuses. According to the site, males have a higher chance of being miscarried before birth. This lowers the chances of having a boy, thus increasing the chances of having a girl. According to the website, the number of boys born for every 100 girls is between 100 and 106.

Your Chances

Your own body and genetic makeup, especially the genetics of your partner, have a more significant influence on your chances of having a girl than the outside statistics. Your hormones, your partner’s hormones, chromosomal makeup, your uterus’ ability to hold onto a baby of either sex and other internal factors may influence the sex of your baby and your chances of carrying it to conception.

Increase Your Chances

Many products and practitioners promise gender determination. You may read many old wives’ tales that tell you to wait until near your ovulation date or other specific practices to have a girl. However, the most consistent method, although only 50 percent effective, is one in which certain eggs or sperm are selected, and you undergo in vitro fertilization, or IVF.

Economic Chances

According to a 2003 study from the University of California at Berkeley, males are less likely to be conceived or born during economic downturns. When families are financially and emotionally stressed, the number of males born in a society decreases. It would seem that if you are desperate for a girl, move to an area of economic upheaval and try to conceive there.

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