A Mother Like Mine
3 mins read

A Mother Like Mine

What makes your mom special? Is it the way she can always read your mind and find out if you’re telling the truth or not? Is it the way she’s always there when you need her? Or, is it the way she still babies you even after you’ve had kids of your own? Our very own blogger, Erica Diamond, decided to take a poll asking women what makes their mom special. An anonymous poster responded with this beautiful tribute to her mom:

My Best Friend

My mother has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. When I was growing up, she was always really hip, cool, smart and most importantly, she was always there for me and my siblings. My mother has always been slim and attractive, and I always hoped that I would inherit her good aging genes (so far so good!). I always admired my mother’s strength and conviction and most importantly her confidence.

I Credit Her with My Success

My mother has her issues, as any person does, but the truth is she is an engaged and thoughtful mother who instilled a sense of self confidence and trust in me – I credit much of my success in life to her. I always know that she is in my corner, no matter what!

Money and Relationship Advice

My parents have been married for almost 40 years and, like many of our parents’ generation, they married young and my mom did not have a career. Because of this, she taught me to make sure that I focus on my career so that “I never have to ask a man for money.” She also taught me the importance of being honest with your partner – no marriage or relationship is perfect, disagreements are normal and healthy!

The Greatest Lesson

As a mother to a 2 1/2 yr old son, I hope that I can be half the mother she was to me! She taught me that being a good mother was about love, honesty and trusting your children. I can’t even remember a time when my mother wasn’t present for a key event in my life! She made me a priority. I am now a working mother and wife, and balance is often tough. But there is one thing I know for sure: Family is my top priority — and that is the most important lesson I learned from my mom!

Thanks Mom!

This is just one woman’s touching story about her mom. But how many more moms out there are just as reliable, smart, and loving as the woman described here? Countless! Nearly every woman has a special connection with her mom that goes beyond the umbilical cord attachment at birth. Moms provide us with a sense of comfort and love that can come from nowhere else. No matter how old you are, you can always go to your mom for help, knowing she will be there for you when you need it. Our moms raised us to be decent, well-mannered, strong women that have the ability to raise an amazing family of our own, and for that, we’d like to thank all the moms out there from the bottom of our hearts!

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