1 min read

Justin Chambers Speaks Out on Sleep Disorder

Grey’s Anatomy star and celebudad Justin Chambers spoke out for the first time about his sleep disorder, for which he underwent treatment at UCLA, coincidentally while Britney Spears was also undergoing psychiatric care at the same facility. He told People magazine, “I suffer from a biological sleep disorder. Your body is tired but your mind keeps racing. You lie down and then you get up and pace, and then you lie down but you can’t fall asleep. It’s like a dog chasing its tail. You get to your wits’ end.”

As for what drove him to go to UCLA, Justin said, “I went a good two months without really sleeping. So a specialist I had been working with referred me to UCLA. They gave me [medication] in a private setting, and I slept. Two days there was perfect.”

He said if Britney had not been admitted to the same facility, his condition might not have been made so public. However, despite Justin’s resolve that he is better, he exhibited some odd behavior last week while in a Los Angeles bar. Various blogs and sites recounted an eyewitness account in which Justin was spotted babbling incoherently. He then reportedly put his head on the table and woke up shouting. Witnesses claim he said the following: ‘I am a father of five kids! I am a damn good father! Leave me alone!’ Justin allegedly also hit on a waitress, who was an acquaintance. Then, after paying his tab, he slapped money from her hand and it hit the floor. Hopefully, Justin will be able to keep himself on track and out of trouble.

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