Free Homework Tutoring
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Free Homework Tutoring

At some point in their academic careers, most children struggle to get their homework done or to understand the lessons they are studying. You could hire a private tutor to help your child with his homework, but they tend to be expensive. Fortunately, you have some options for free homework assistance and tutoring for those times when you don’t have time to help, don’t understand the homework yourself and can’t afford a tutor.

After-School Clubs

If your child attends an after-school program, check to see if it offers free tutoring for students, as many programs do. You may also want to check with your local library, as it may offer free one-on-one tutoring for area students. Some library programs, such as LEAP at the Free Library of Philadelphia, operate on a drop-in basis, meaning you do not have to register in advance. Your child’s school may also offer free tutoring during after-school clubs.

Online Options

Depending on where you live, you may not have luck finding free, in-person homework tutoring programs or you may not have the opportunity to drop your child off at a tutoring center after school. If that is the case, you may have luck searching for an online homework tutoring site. Many tutoring sites feature certified teachers or other qualified tutors. The tutors are available to your child through online chat. Some local libraries also offer free online tutoring, which is available to students with library cards.


One-on-one tutoring can help build your child’s self-confidence, especially if she is struggling with a certain subject. Individual tutoring will also allow her to work at her own pace to complete the homework and begin to grasp concepts that were formerly unclear. If you seek tutoring help for your child, you also have the guarantee that she is getting her homework done or, at the very least, making an attempt to do so.

Time Frame

Most free homework help programs are available for a few hours after school on weekdays. Online homework help programs also typically available for a few hours after school. While some free tutoring programs run through the summer, you will most likely have to pay someone or send your child to summer school if you feel she needs extra help catching up during the summer months.

Considerations and Warnings

Before allowing your child to use an online homework help program, make sure it is a legitimate program, run by a reputable company or through a local library. Keep an eye on your child while he works online so that he isn’t tempted to goof off or cheat by searching for the answers to his homework. If your child doesn’t make progress after attending a program or using an online program for a few months, you may need to explore other tutoring options.

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