What modern mom is on fire this week? Marissa Mayer.
On Monday, she officially accepted a new gig as the CEO of Yahoo. The career-driven Mayer is a graduate of Stanford University and has spent the last 13 years working with Google, having started there in 1999 as the company’s 20th employee.
Now at age 37, Mayer is majorly rearranging her life. On July 16th, the same day that she announced her plans to join Yahoo, she also divulged to Fortune Magazine that she is pregnant!
Mayer stated that when she notified Yahoo of her pregnancy, the company had no qualms about hiring an expecting woman as (major props to Yahoo for their progressivism).
In fact, the Internet giant has even decided to relocate its September board meeting, which was scheduled to be in New York, to Yahoo’s hometown of Sunnyvale, California, in order to save Mayer the hassle of traveling when she is so close to her due date.
Mayer and her husband Zachary Bogue will welcome their first son this October, and it certainly won’t slow things down for Marissa. While she’ll take some time off directly after her birth, Marissa plans to get back to work as soon as possible.
She told Fortune: “My maternity leave will be a few weeks long and I’ll work throughout it.” Come October, she’ll have a lot on her plate, and one of the first lessons she’ll have to learn is how to juggle her time between her high-powered job, and her high-maintenance baby.
Our congratulations to this great lady – Marissa Mayer, you are a role model to girls everywhere. Rock on.