1 min read

What are 3 ways I can get my kids (ages 9 and 11) to help out more around the house?

·         Reward your child for their help.  This could be monetary, but we encourage more creative rewards, like let the kids pick the game to play on game night, or the show to watch, or stay up an hour later on Wed, or money toward a special toy or digital game they want to buy.

·         Make it a game and fun. Kids are more likely to do something if it’s fun.  So make it fun.  Crank up the music, turn off the TV and video games and give them assignments based on age and ability.  The first one done wins choice of dessert, or family night out destination, etc.  Have a job jar with quick easy chores that they can choose that can be done during a commercial during their favorite show.

Thank the kids for the help.  Appreciation goes a long way. It will help reinforce the belief that they are contributing members of your family and as such must participate in sometimes

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