3 mins read

My husband is a slob and I am a neat freak. Any advice?

·         First, pick your battles.  Some things are changeable, some aren’t.  You can try these tips, but the best tip we can give is to talk to your husband and let him know that you are trying to let go of being a neat freak (which you should do) and you’d like him to try to let go of being such a slob!  Sometimes you can meet in the middle.  But know he is going to need your help!

·         Make it just a little harder for him to be a slob – place a hamper on the spot he always drops his clothes; place a basket in the place he always drops his papers & keys (get one with a lid); place a trash basket next to his bed for any loose Kleenex.

·         If your husband likes to snack and does so right from the package, store his favorite snack in a bowl big enough for the snack – and place it in a location where he will have to take down the bowl to get to the snack.

·         Leave nice notes for him, like “Honey – this bowl is perfect for your chips – I thought of you when I bought it!  I know you’ll love it too!”  Or “Isn’t this basket perfect for your papers?  Put them in here and I won’t touch them – promise!”

·         Talk to your husband about the night time pickup – right before bed pick up any loose items that are yours – and only yours – and ask him to do the same.

·         If your husband is in the habit of taking dishes into another room – like the den to watch TV – and forgets to take them back to the kitchen, place a tray in the room and ask him to please put his dishes there and before bed, ask him to take it to the kitchen.

·         If your husband reads the paper and it gets strewn around your living room or family room – for days – make a rule:  one day only.  The paper must go into recycle before the next one comes in.  To help him along you can place a trash bin in the offending area and label it NEWSPAPER RECYCLING ONLY.  Then he only needs to put it in one easy-to-find spot!  Plus you can both feel good about recycling.  This can also work if he has bottles or cans all over!

·         Find your bathroom a wreck after your husband is through?  Why not have containers just for his bathroom items?  It can be as simple as a cylinder – like a pencil holder, only larger – to hold his toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, etc. Or it can be a basket – but let him know his stuff should be put in that container.  If he still leaves it out you might try turning the tables on him by leaving all your stuff out before HE uses the bathroom.  He may get the hint them.

·         If he doesn’t run the dishwasher – never thinks to do it even – then set it up and leave him a note to run it when he gets home, or up, or before going to bed, etc.  This is especially good if he’s told you he wants to help out more – but he just doesn’t get what you need him to do.

·         Don’t hover or nag.  It doesn’t work.  Love notes and thank you’s go much farther than tantrums, tears and threats.

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