What Color Eyeshadow to Wear for Dark Circles
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What Color Eyeshadow to Wear for Dark Circles

The right eyeshadow colors and application techniques can help to emphasize your eyes themselves — not the dark circles beneath them. Adapt your makeup to a casual daytime look or a dramatic evening style. Dark circles can be the result of allergies, fatigue or genetics, but simple cosmetic tricks can let you look your best.


You can reduce the appearance of dark circles with concealer, foundation and eye shadow. Apply concealer to the undereye area, patting it lightly into place with a cosmetic sponge wedge. If your concealer is quite thick, mix it half and half with foundation for a lighter texture. Tap concealer lightly into place working from the inner corner of your eye to the outer corner. Dust translucent powder or a mineral powder over your eye to set the concealer.


Your eye makeup should draw attention upward toward your upper lashes, upper eyelid and browbone to lead the viewer’s glance away from any shadows or dark circles. Groom your eyebrows regularly and make time to curl your eyelashes before applying eyeshadow to make your eyes appear more open. Other than concealer, skip the makeup on the lower eyelashes and lower lashline.

Casual Looks

Create a casual daytime look by applying a single light, neutral eyeshadow from the lashline to the browbone. Choose a shade that works well with your complexion, in either a matte or shimmery finish. Ivory, beige, tan, peach or pale pink are all good choices for this technique. Line only the upper eyelid with a color of your choosing and apply mascara to the upper eyelashes.

Smoky Eye

You can still wear a smoky eye makeup style with dark circles under your eyes. Replace black and charcoal with softer pinks, plums or browns. Shades of gray may emphasize darkness under the eye. Apply a light shade from lashes to brow, then add darker tones on the lid, lashline and crease. Apply liner and mascara to upper lashes to finish your evening eye.

Tips and Tricks

A shimmery white or light colored highlighter can help to draw attention away from your dark circles whether you are wearing eyeshadow or need a quick fix when you’re not wearing makeup. Choose a soft pencil-style highlighter for quick and easy application. Dot the highlighter on the inner corner of the eye and along the browbone and blend.

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