3 mins read

Ancient Asian Beauty Tips

Unlocking the mystery of Asian beauty has been the target of researchers who wonder why many Asians look younger than their age and they possess beautiful, smooth, silky skins. Asian beauty secrets date back to ancient times, when their ancestors used nature’s products and other healthy practices as part of their daily beauty rituals. Fortunately, you do not have to travel to Asia to find out their beauty secrets. You can follow their ancient practices in your home for a more beautiful you.

4 mins read

Lahaina, Maui

An article from Traveling Pat! Patricia is a regular contributor. She has an adventurous spirit with a love for travel. Follow along with Pat as her journey takes her around the world.   Today Patricia’s travels take her to Hawaii!! Enjoy! ♥Wendy Irene   Lahaina, Maui Floating along in our gi-normous white 96 Cadi, tropical…

2 mins read

Easy Hairstyles for Ethnic Hair

When styling hair, you must take the texture into consideration and vary your technique to achieve the same result. For example, African women’s coarse-textured hair lends itself to styles that highlight the curl and volume, and requires extra steps to achieve a smooth, straight look. Asian and Hispanic women also have different needs in styling their hair. Here are some techniques for easy hairstyles that capitalize on ethnic hair’s beauty.