Search Results for: Hearing
Autistic Kids and the Hearing Impaired
How do our kids do with the hearing impaired? My son has been around other autistic kids for most of his life. He has also had contact with a few Down Syndrome kids. However, until recently, he has had very little contact with the hearing impaired. He now has a deaf swimming instructor. Unfortunately, he…
I’m Tired of Hearing the “Reasons” That Parents Fail
Its hard to watch the news when you have kids.
The Holiday Rush: Why Am I Already Hearing Christmas Music?
I woke up the morning after Halloween with a tiny bit of a sugar hangover. It’s the same thing year after year.After collecting enough candy to fill a football stadium and eating enough candy to keep every dentist in this city in business for years to come, the children fall into deep sleep filled with dreams of Skittles, Twizzlers and chocolate bars.
Tired of Hearing It’s Not Fair? How to Expand Your Child’s Perspective
Somehow, my children have been given the impression that all circumstances in life must be fair.
Hearing-Impaired Children in the Classroom
Kids experience full or partial hearing loss due to a variety of causes, including certain illnesses, loud noises and injury. Hearing impairments of varying degrees interfere with a child’s development and success in the classroom. Early and effective interventions give her the chance to catch up or stay at grade level.