2 mins read

“Autistic” verses “Has Autism”

“Autistic” verses “Has Autism” Here’s an interesting take on the discussion is it “autistic” or “has autism?” What’s the take? Which way is better, saying “autistic” or “has autism?” Are both of them okay? Or neither? The linked article discusses the Identity First term (autistic) vs. the Person First term (with autism). The article points…

4 mins read

Autism and Politics

Okay, here I go… So, our son is a teenager, and he’s very interested in this election. A few months ago he began to ask questions. I answered his questions to the best of my ability. When he asked me how I felt about things, I told him. I told him how I felt about…

5 mins read

Breastfeeding on the Job

When my first child was two months old, I decided to take a chance and breastfeed in public for the first time. When it came to nursing, I barely knew what I was doing, even in private. But when a few friends hosted a small July 4th barbecue for families, I figured Id give public lactation a try.

14 mins read

February Astrology

The early February planetary lineup in Aquarius, along with a Libra moon and Jupiter in Gemini, makes for a lot of air which inclines towards verbosity – but of course with many innovative and original ideas bandied about, so typical of Aquarius. This preponderance of refined air, the label attached to Aquarius, IS technologys true Homeland.