3 mins read

Weight Loss Meals for Kids

Counting calories is no fun, especially when you’re doing it on behalf of your child. Before you decide that your child needs to lose weight, though, talk to his doctor. In most cases, say the experts at Baylor College of Medicine, the goal for an overweight child should be keeping his weight the same as he grows taller and more muscular. Whether your child needs to reduce his weight or keep it steady as his body matures, though, the best way to help him is to serve healthy meals in appropriate portions to the entire family.

3 mins read

Thanksgiving Diet Tips

While it does provide the perfect occasion for gathering with friends and family, many committed dieters loathe Thanksgiving as they know that on this day they will be tempted with an assortment of diet-busting treats. While the presence of temptation on this holiday is undeniable, Thanksgiving does not have to spell diet disaster. By following some simple diet tips, you can effectively enjoy Thanksgiving without having to slip back into larger pants in the days immediately following.

3 mins read

Why Kids Shouldn’t Diet

With the ever-growing rates of childhood obesity dieting may seem like a good idea for children who are more than pleasantly plump. However, as a Children’s Hospital in Boston study found, dieting is not always an effective means of weight loss for children. Researchers at this hospital determined that children who dieted seemed to regain weight more rapidly and suffer from an assortment of other ill effects as a result of their calorie restriction efforts. Before encouraging your overweight kid to try a diet, consider some of the negative side effects that child dieters may experience.

3 mins read

Good Diet Snack Foods

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to have healthy snacks on hand to tide your appetite. If you’re too hungry when you get to your next meal, you may be more likely to overeat. Plan your snacks as carefully as you plan the rest of your meals, and you’ll be much closer to weight-loss success.

2 mins read

Foods for Weight Loss

Many people struggle with weight loss because reducing the number of calories that you eat ends up making you feel hungry (and ready to reach for that candy bar). If you want to successfully lose weight, you need to look for foods that will fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied, without packing a big caloric punch. Stick with these types of foods, and weight loss will be easier.