2 mins read

Autism and The Driving Age

Autism and The Driving Age My son is almost sixteen. In California, a teenager who turns fifteen and a half can, technically, get a learners permit to drive a car. What about my son? He doesn’t have his learners permit. Not yet. What’s the plan? My husband and I discussed our plan for when our…

4 mins read

Don’t Count on Millenials for a Work-life Revolution

The work-life conflict of my generationGeneration X, or those born between 1965 and 1980has been defined in large part by the unrealistic expectations that women, primarily, have placed on themselves to have it allcareer, marriage, kids, house in the suburbs, and more. Somewhere along the way, having it all morphed into doing it alla far cry from the liberation our feminist foremothers fought so hard for. But what about the next …

3 mins read

My “Aha” Mommy Moment

Just in, holy moly, my girlfriend’s daughter got an “A” on her math test and I had to share this and re-evaluate my recent blog. A couple of things crossed my mind: do we stress our kids out so much that they’re destined to fail? Do we not have as much confidence in them as they do in themselves? Do we totally underestimate our kids? Do we project negative feelings on our kids …

11 mins read

May Astrology

Our galactic vessel has landed on the rocky shores of May 2013, and its strange territory indeed. Oh you may ask, what happened to those nice Druid Beltane and May Day festivals? This fracas of Saturn and Mars will start off the early days of this month with a clash of symbols, i.e. the impulsive son, whose restrictive and disciplinarian dad is taking him to task.