2 mins read

How to Clean a House Air-Conditioning Unit

While repairs to an air-conditioning unit usually require a professional technician, periodic cleaning is something most homeowners can do. Cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils once each year can help keep your unit performing at its highest efficiency. While air-conditioning units vary depending on the model and manufacturer, basic cleaning procedures are similar.

6 mins read

Saying Goodbye to My Mom-Mobile

My dear sweet beloved car, lovingly known in my family as Stella, has been permanently taken off the of the road. I have no idea how we ever came up with the name Stella or why we named the car in the first place. I just know that when she broke down last week and made her final clicking sound, I must have sounded like Rocky from the famous scene in the movie as I stood there and yelled, Stella.

4 mins read

Lahaina, Maui

An article from Traveling Pat! Patricia is a regular contributor. She has an adventurous spirit with a love for travel. Follow along with Pat as her journey takes her around the world.   Today Patricia’s travels take her to Hawaii!! Enjoy! ♥Wendy Irene   Lahaina, Maui Floating along in our gi-normous white 96 Cadi, tropical…

2 mins read

How to Make a Green Home

The planet is in peril unless responsible citizens take steps to reduce the damage that the human race is causing. One way to play a part in helping maintain the health of the planet is to green your home. By making your home more green, you can ensure that your family’s carbon footprint is as small as possible and help provide a healthy planet for your familial generations to come.