3 mins read

The Best Love Match for Pisces

Pisces, born between Feb. 19 and March 20, are emotional and intuitive, according to Tarot.com. Like those born under other Water signs, Pisceans are drawn to all things mystical and spiritual. Like the fish that symbolizes the Zodiac sign, those born under Pisces immerse themselves in their environment and recognize the deeper connections between people and nature. Their romantic attractions and attachments run deep, and Pisceans often feel as if their relationships were destined to happen.

3 mins read

Brain Development Occurs in the Womb

A babys brain is magnificent. The rate at which it develops is astronomical from the moment conception happens through the time of birth. The brain is the life source of the body. It communicates messages and tells the body what to do. The brain controls everything from a babys thinking skills to his perceptions. For the body to work properly, the brain undergoes significant development and changes throughout the entire gestational period.